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Pelé celebrates his 76th birthday today. Congratulations to the King! In order to celebrate this special date, you can read all  posts on this blog about the greatest player ever:

Pelé was a true number 10: his position on field and the formations from the golden age of Brazilian football;

Pelé and Messi in finals;

The best football (soccer) player of all time according to the greatest legends of the sport;

Pelé and racism;

Pele – 75 years old today;

Best XI and the greatest players of each football (soccer) era;

Brazilian States all time XI and greatest football/soccer players;

The best single game performances by the 6 greatest football/soccer players of all time;

There was a South American genius in the middle of the road: Pele x Eusebio and Messi x Cristiano Ronaldo;

Pelé and Messi, a comparison between two geniuses;

Part II – Club performance;

Part III – National team performance;

Part IV – Conclusion.


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