Dear readers, I’ve decided to write again in this space. I will restart with something simple, but that gives me great pleasure, wich is, making imaginary special historical teams, in this case the all time greatest XI of northeastern Brazilian footballers. The Northeast (“Nordeste) is a important, diverse and culturally part of Brazil, comprised of the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia . Please remind that I’ve written a few years ago about the greatest XI of several Brazilian States. Anyway, my selections next. Since most players are widely know, I’ve decided just to put the wikipedia link of each one.
Goakeeper: Dida (baiano; meaning from the state of Bahia).
Right back: Dani Alves (baiano).
Center Back: Aldair (baiano).
Center Back: Luis Pereira (baiano).
Left Back: Júnior (paraibano; meaning from the state of Paraíba).
Defensive midfielder: Clodoaldo (sergipano; meaning from the state of Sergipe).
Central midfielder: Juninho (perbambucano; meaning from the state of Pernambuco).
Attacking midfielder: Rivaldo (pernambucano). I think he is the region all time greatest player.
Right wing : Bebeto (baiano).
Center Forward: Vavá (pernambucano).
Left wing: Zagallo (alagoano; meaning from the state of Alagoas).
Tactical formation:

Reserve team: Manga (pernambucano); Toninho Baiano (baiano), Ricardo Rocha (pernambucano), Zózimo (baiano) e Marinho Chagas (potiguar, meaning someone from Rio Grande do Norte); Vampeta (baiano), Mazinho (paraibano, meaning someone from Paraíba) e Dida (alagoano); Edilson (baiano), Ademir de Menezes (pernambucano) e Canhoteiro (maranhense, meaning someone from Maranhão).
Finally, it is important to say that there are several other great players from the region who could be also selected, like:
Goalkeepers —Wendell (pernambucano), Bosco (pernambucano) and Nadinho (baiano);
Center Backs — Júnior Baiano (baiano), Dante (baiano), and Pepe (alagoano, naturalizado português);
Full backs —Júnior Nagata (baiano) e Rildo (pernambucano);
Midfielders — Bobô (baiano), Maneca (baiano), Hernanes (pernambucano), Josué (pernambucano), Fausto dos Santos (maranhense), Luís Henrique (baiano), Givanildo Oliveira (pernambucano) and Zequinha (pernambucano);
Forwards, wingers and center forwards — Jardel (cearense), Almir Pernambuquinho (pernambucano), Diego Costa (sergipano/Spanish), Nunes (baiano), Roberto Firmino (alagoano), Hulk (paraibano), Marito (baiano), Charles (baiano), Luís Oliveira (maranhense/Belgian), Beijoca (baiano), Oséias (baiano) and Índio (paraibano).